As part of the campaign last year, Costa Farms visited mothers of newborn babies in hospitals across the country and presented them with indoor potted plants. Costa looks at the indoor potted plants they're sharing with mothers as a "breath of fresh air" for newborns, and it's on a mission again this year visiting hospitals. Just last week, Costa visited hospitals in Boston. And it has plans to promote the O2 For You program in Chicago and Miami hospitals later this year.
Costa didn't just wing this campaign, either. It did its homework and gathered good, solid facts about the benefits of indoor plants before it put O2 For You on the market. There's some great research information on the O2 For You website, including info that expains how plants clean the air and a list of plants that act as good indoor air purifiers.
I'm taking Costa's message to heart at the office with a few potted plants, including a potted foliage plant from Costa Farms (pictured at right) that I picked up at Lowe's last week. I'm breathing easy these days. Or, perhaps it's because Memorial Day weekend's on the flip side of this afternoon!
For more research on how living plants and flowers can enhance your indoor environment, check out the research posted here: http://tinyurl.com/r8yg7t